Bijzondere tekens

Het invoeren van bijzondere tekens is wat onduidelijk.
Ik heb een omweg gevonden om Copyright tekens e.d. in de tekst te krijgen.

  • Kies in Inkscape de tekst optie
  • Plak (Ctrl-v) de inhoud van het klembord in de tekst
  • ʘ ◌ ☀ ☁ 

.. Of kopieer en plak een van onderstaande tekens

@  ©  ¼ ½  ¾ ⅓ ⅔ ® Ø  ç æ 

֍ ֎  ᐁ ᐂ ᐃ ᐅ ᐊ 


ℱ ↩ ↪ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ↰ ↱ ↲ ↳ ↯ ⏱ ⏲ 

① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩

◉ ☂ ☃ ★ ☆ ☎ ☏ ☚ ☛ ⚽ ⛔ 

✀ ✁ ✂ ✃ ✄ ✐ ✅ ✓ ✔ ✕ ✖

➊ ➋ ➌ ➍ ➎ ➏ ➐ ➑ ➒ ➓

➤ ⭐ ⮈ ⮉ ⮊ ⮋ 

How to insert math symbols or other special symbols in the drawing

Probably the simplest way, is to use whatever input method is provided by your operating system. For example, in Windows, you can use the Character Map (Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Character Map). Or in Inkscape, Text menu > Glyphs may provide even more options. For more info, please see the Creating Text chapter, in the manual.

There are two ways to add text to an Inkscape drawing. The first is as regular text. In this case, as text is typed, the text box grows to accommodate the text. Line breaks must be manually added.

The second way to enter text is as a flowed text object. The text is typed into a presized rectangular text box. Line breaks are automatically made. The flowed text object includes both the box and text and is thus moved and transformed as such. For a discussion of flowed text in an arbitrary shape, see the last section in this chapter.

A few things to note that apply to both entry methods:


  • If you click on an already existing text object with the Text Tool, the text object will be selected and the cursor will be placed between the letters closest to where you clicked. The text can then be edited.

  • Many of the keyboard shortcuts will not work while in the enter text mode. The + and  keys on the numeric keypad will type the corresponding characters if Num Lock is on; otherwise, they retain their zoom functions.

  • Special characters can be entered by two different methods:

    • Unicode Mode:  In this method, special characters are entered by typing in Unicode values. To toggle between normal and Unicode modes use Ctrl+U. Once in Unicode mode, type in the two to four digit hexadecimal Unicode value followed by the Space bar. Repeat to add more characters. Typing any non-hexadecimal character or Esc while in Unicode mode will return you to normal mode.

      A sentence with Kanji characters. The characters were entered by typing: Ctrl+U 65e5 Space 672c Space 8a9e Space Esc. (You must have a Kanji font installed to see the characters.)
    • Glyphs Dialog:  New in v0.48. You can use the Glyphs dialog to enter special characters. Open the dialog by using the menu entry Text   Glyphs.... In the dialog, you can choose in which font family and style you wish to search. Available characters will depend on the font. You can also limit the search to specific Scripts or Unicode Ranges by using the two drop-down menus. Once you have found the character you want to add, double-click on it with the Left Mouse Button. This will add the character to the entry box at the bottom left of the dialog. Click the Append button to add the characters to a selected text object. Note that you must have already created a text object. A text object is not created until at least one character has been entered (just clicking on the canvas with the Text Tool does not create a text object).

      Note that you should use either the Script or Range menus as they independently limit the list of characters shown. If you select “Latin” in the Script menu and “Greek and Coptic” in the Range no characters will be shown. The reason for having two different menus is that many scripts have characters in multiple ranges. If you want all “Latin” characters use the Script menu. If you already know that the character you want is in the “Latin B” block use the Range menu.

      The Glyphs dialog.
  • One problem you may encounter with saving text in SVG files as text objects is that if the font is not available on the computer where the file is to be viewed, it may not be visible. To avoid this problem, you can convert the text to a path. This, though, will prevent the text fro
